Upper Primary Music Concert 2021
Join us for our end of year Upper Primary Music Concert held in the last week of Term 4!
We are pleased to invite families to join us on campus for our Upper Primary Music Concert! The concert will showcase our Years 3 to 6 music classes, Songbirds Choir, Junior Band and Year 4 Band for your listening & viewing pleasure.
Tickets are free to families and help us to effectively manage the number of people in the Stage Area.
Tickets can be booked here: https://www.eventbrite.com.au/e/upper-primary-music-concert-tickets-208275015177
Please note this event is restricted to two adult tickets per family. If you require more than two tickets please email Mr Stevens: headofprimary@tmc.qld.edu.au
Looking forward to a wonderful concert!
Mon, 22 November 2021
1:30 PM - 2:50 PM AEST